She said, “Yeah, screw him!” Did she really mean it? I don’t think so. Hold on, yep, she means it. Well, he said, “She is something else, crazyyyyy!” Nah, he didn’t mean to belittle her, uummm, yep, he meant it with all his heart.

This screams confusion! A game! Just dating. The word dating! Easy to spell yet too complicated to deal with. Dating, in all its glory (our great great great grandparents’ time), has evolved. It stands as one of those elements in our society nowadays that has so much bearing on every individual in search of a “relationship”, may it be casual, long-term, short term or plain hookups. It leaves room for a plethora of emotions as well as an array of outcomes.

Lifestyle, way of living, and life, in general, have “posed a threat” in the dating world. Be it through preferences, even values that aren’t taken into consideration. For most, the lack of an outlet to meet people organically has led them to resort to online dating. Ahhh, the online world, but first let’s take a look at “organic”. So how do people meet organically? Church? (I am reminded… lol), cafe? train? and the random “We bumped into each other”. These could lead to “success stories” but how about the magic that turns into nightmares that online dating brings to people who consider swiping right and left a full-time job, and yet the whole scenario doesn’t give them something to look forward to during payday?

So the story…. Craig met Celine and the culprit? Tinder! Craig represents all the males, and Celine, obviously, stands for females (just a random name idea). So, the Craigs are swiping, so as the Celines, but where does this “conundrum” take them? To nowhere (based on my personal survey of New Yorkers). Some obvious “meltdown” of people, simplified as complaints are the cat and mouse game, the chase, catfishing, ghosting, stonewalling, and the list goes on.

People meet, interact for a little while, one, two dates, maybe another one then let’s include getting intimate for some; however, people’s communication skills dwindle (which were “catching their breaths” in the first place, anyway). This leads to the thought of outstretched arms signaling “Here I am, where are you? It’s when one reaches out, and the other has totally gone mute. The ones left to wonder are mostly the “victims” of society’s rampant issue with dating. Those who stay mute are usually the ones whose interest in the other person has flown to Saturn or simply their hidden agenda isn’t met by the other party. Well, maybe, the spark wasn’t there at all.

By the way, it isn’t just Tinder. It’s just the first app that came to mind. Craigs and Celines are all over. They are in every app where the losers and the hopefuls thrive.

I always think of a one-sided relationship or dating idea as an unfortunate event when you’re trying to build something meaningful from what you always think will work for you. That mindset has changed. Over time, with experiences and lessons learned, more misfortunes, and my ability to eavesdrop on other people’s life (kidding but in most cases, I have played the part of a therapist, for the heartbroken ones, those who were cheated on, the confused individuals, and so on). I have come to terms with the fact that a one-sided “thing” can be a good opportunity for someone trapped in this situation, to traverse the same “one-way street” that the other party is taking. It’s about “traveling” alongside each other and when it’s no longer smooth sailing, it’s either you can hit the brakes or keep moving at top speed and never look back. When you reach out, limit it to a week or two, then simply leave traces of your “sinister laughter” along the course of your “moving on” process (Raise your hand if you’re familiar with “guilt trip”) Interested people will always find a way, and you can only do so much to make things work if there’s even a chance. If they don’t “stop” for you, to check on how worthy you are of what you deserve, then “screw him”, and I agree, she’s crazyyyy.

….. and the fortune teller says, “the guy/ lady sitting next to you on the train this Saturday, will say something nice to you, who knows”

Glad I made you smile!

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